January 28: “To be poor or Rich is never a subject of luck, it is always a matter of choice and decision.” Says Cristhofer Munoz an ace entrepreneur, financial strategist and wizard investment advisor from America. Munoz is one the most influential name in the financial market of America. You can always find him Riding the most luxurious cars in the city and checking in the most luxurious hotel around the world. He has come so far in his Entrepreneurial Journey that now he has taken up the task to give back to his community in form of professional financial advises. He is the Founder of Level Up Enterprises and Level Up Algo, genius Firms that gives expert Financial advises that makes his 1000+ students worldwide more that $25000- $35000 annually.
Born and brought up in Dominican Republic, Cristhofer Munoz has seen a very tough time in his childhood. He basically hails from a city where the residents do not even have enough to eat. As a child he was always shaken by the poor conditions of minorities in his city, as he grew up he realised that the situation is the same throughout America. Though Americans have preached and executed equality very well, even today the minorities are not very financially independent. When you look at these sorry state of affairs, he was always driven towards doing something for his community. This laid the foundation of an excellent businessman who was driven towards working towards the betterment of minority immunity.
Today Cristhofer Munoz is a wizard entrepreneur who has a number of companies by his name but the most important one is where he advises people to be financially independent through investment in stock market and cryptocurrency. He moved to New York as an entrepreneur but the community which he focused on, was not very well equipped to attend his seminars by travelling a lot hence he came up with an idea of telegram channel WhatsApp groups so as to connect with more and more people. He and his groups constantly grabs attention as through his advisers and Leeds he has managed to to let the members on more than 2000 to 5000 dollars in a month.
Cristhofer Munoz believes that stock market investment is the future of financial independence. Times have changed when the profit in the stock market was a question of luck. Nowadays, to gain profit in the market, all one has to do is to study the trends and gain proper financial education so as to be able to invest wisely. He is doing the task of making it accessible for the minority to gain that proper financial education. He says that if he can come this far from the poor state of affairs he was 8 in his childhood, literally anyone, doesn’t matter how poor or how unlucky a person may be, can achieve the mountain peak of luxury living and financial independence.
To connect with Cristhofer Munoz you can visit his Instagram where constantly puts up inspirational stories and quotes so as to inspire the young people. He is the creator of the “you versus you” community and believes that the only competition people have is themselves. He believes that we are the one who subconsciously put restrictions on ourselves and this is because of our conservative mindset. If with true inspiration, proper discipline and proper guidance we are able to break the shackles then nobody can stop us from achieving pu highest potential.